Relationships – ZangZendo Open Your World Fri, 29 Dec 2023 08:16:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Relationships – ZangZendo 32 32 The Ten Most Fascinating Studies on Human Attachment and Bonding Sun, 15 Jan 2023 16:48:09 +0000 Are you interested in learning more about the complex dynamics of human attachment and bonding? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll explore the ten most fascinating studies on human attachment and bonding and how they can provide deeper insight into the way we form and maintain relationships. From research on the impact of early attachment styles to the powerful influence of oxytocin, these studies offer a glimpse into the inner workings of interpersonal relationships and the ways in which we connect with others. So, if you’re interested in discovering the fascinating world of human attachment and bonding, keep reading!

The study of 1,200 infants

This research examined the role of parents in creating a secure emotional attachment with their babies. The results showed that the most important factor in developing a secure attachment was sensitivity and responsiveness from the parent. This study also revealed the importance of physical contact in the early stages of a baby’s life in promoting a healthy emotional bond.

The study of 100 pairs of twins

Researchers looked at 100 pairs of twins to study the effect of parenting on attachment and bonding. They found that even when siblings were raised in the same environment, their relationships with each other still varied significantly. This suggests that different people respond differently to the same parenting style. The research also showed that parenting styles had an impact on the overall relationship between the twins.

The study of 6,000 adopted children

This research looked into the attachment between adopted children and their parents. The study found that there was a strong connection between the two, despite the biological relationship not being present. It showed that adopted children had secure attachments with their adoptive parents, just like biological children do. This research provided invaluable insight into how adoption works and how it can be beneficial for children who may not have otherwise been able to form bonds with a family.

The study of 100 superior mothers

Researchers studied 100 mothers from around the world who were identified as providing superior care for their children. They observed these mothers in order to better understand how strong attachment and bonding can be developed between parent and child. Findings showed that these mothers had a strong focus on nurturing and responding to their children’s needs, creating a secure and supportive environment in which the child could develop a deep and meaningful relationship with them.

The study of 20,000 adolescents

This study found that the quality of attachment between teens and their parents had a direct effect on the child’s wellbeing. The research found that adolescents who had a secure attachment with their parents exhibited better mental health and fewer behavioral problems. The study also showed that teens with strong attachments to their parents were more likely to stay in school and be successful in their future endeavors.

The study of 30,000 young adults

This research examined the attachment styles of 30,000 young adults from various socio-economic backgrounds. It found that those with secure attachment had better relationships, mental health, and psychological resilience than those with insecure attachments. The research also revealed that those with secure attachments were more likely to have positive views about themselves and their relationships.

The study of 300 divorced couples

Researchers examined the influence of divorce on the attachment styles of couples. They discovered that those with insecure attachment styles were more likely to divorce, while those with secure attachment styles had better outcomes. The study revealed that divorce is a complex process and that people’s past experiences, communication skills, and family dynamics all play a role in how successful a couple’s relationship will be.

The study of 100 married couples

This study focused on marital stability and satisfaction among married couples. It looked at the impact of communication, commitment, support, and conflict resolution on the stability and happiness of the relationship. The results showed that having an emotionally supportive partner was linked to higher levels of marital satisfaction. The study also found that couples who communicated well had better problem-solving skills and were more likely to stay together.

The study of 1,000 widows

This study examined the effect of widowhood on mental health, social relationships and mortality. Results showed that widows had an increased risk of depression, loneliness and physical illnesses such as heart disease. They also experienced a decrease in social activities and interactions with family and friends. The study concluded that effective interventions to reduce the negative effects of widowhood should be developed and implemented.

The study of 10,000 people over the age of 60

This study examined the ways in which attachment and bonding can be maintained in later life. It showed that people who are able to form strong attachments with others in their lives, as well as maintain strong relationships over time, have better health outcomes than those who do not. The research also found that people who have supportive relationships in their later years tend to have lower levels of depression and anxiety.

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10 Tips for Starting a New Relationship Sun, 15 Jan 2023 16:44:14 +0000 Starting a new relationship can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be filled with uncertainty. Knowing how to navigate the waters of a new relationship can be difficult. If you’re looking for some advice on how to make the most out of your new relationship, then you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, I will share with you ten tips to help you get started on the right foot. These tips will help you develop a strong foundation for your relationship, and build a strong bond between you and your partner.

Give it time

Allow yourself to take your time getting to know someone before making any commitments. Don’t rush into anything – take it slow and see where it goes! Trust your gut and don’t be afraid to walk away if something doesn’t feel right. As a rule of thumb, it’s usually best to wait until you’ve been dating for a few months before discussing exclusivity or making plans for the future.

Don’t move too fast

Rushing into a relationship can lead to unrealistic expectations and a lot of disappointment. Take your time getting to know each other, be patient and enjoy the process. That said, don’t let things drag on forever either–being honest and open with each other is key. Have honest conversations and be aware of red flags.

Get to know each other

Take time to learn about each other’s interests, hobbies, families, and backgrounds. Ask questions and listen carefully to the answers. Learn what makes your partner unique and special. Enjoy spending time together and discovering new things about each other. This is a crucial step to developing a strong and lasting connection.

Be honest

Honesty is key in any relationship. It’s important to be open and honest with your partner so you can build trust and a strong foundation. When you start a new relationship, make sure you’re honest about your expectations and what you want out of the relationship. This will help ensure a healthy and successful start!


Be open and honest with your partner. Share your thoughts, feelings and needs without fear of judgement. Good communication is the foundation of a strong relationship. Ask questions and make sure you understand what your partner is saying. Remember that it’s okay to disagree—constructive debates can actually strengthen your bond.

Be yourself

Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Authenticity is key to a healthy and meaningful relationship. Show who you truly are and don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings. Honesty and openness will help build a stronger connection between the two of you. Similarly, don’t expect your partner to be someone they are not. Respect each other’s differences and give your partner space to be themselves.

Respect each other

Be mindful of the other person’s feelings and needs. Show respect through your words and actions. Listen to what they have to say and don’t be dismissive or judgmental. Respect their boundaries, show gratitude and appreciation, and strive to be a team working together. Understand that you may not always agree but work together to find a compromise.

Have fun

Find activities that you both enjoy and have a good time together. Make sure to laugh and enjoy yourself! Don’t forget to be spontaneous and do something unexpected once in a while. Go on an adventure together, visit a new place, or try something completely out of the ordinary! This will help to create a bond and strengthen your connection.

Build trust

Trust is essential in any relationship. Take the time to get to know each other and be honest with each other. Listen and communicate openly and be respectful of each other’s boundaries. Show that you can be trusted and it will help to build a strong foundation for your relationship. Be patient and don’t rush into anything. Trust takes time to build.

Take things slow

Don’t rush into a relationship, instead take the time to get to know each other before you decide to commit. Enjoy the process of learning about each other and take it one step at a time. That way, you’ll have a better understanding of each other and you can move forward with more confidence. This can also help avoid any unnecessary conflict or heartache down the line.

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The 10 Most Common Reasons for Breakups and How to avoid them Sun, 15 Jan 2023 16:41:04 +0000 Breakups can be a painful and difficult experience, and they can happen to anyone at any time. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or a new dating, breakups can be devastating and can leave you feeling lost and alone. But understanding the most common reasons why relationships end can help you to avoid them in the future.

In this blog post, we will take a look at the top 10 most common reasons for breakups and provide practical advice on how to avoid them. From lack of communication and trust issues to growing apart and unrealistic expectations, we will explore the most common causes of breakups and provide tips on how to prevent them from happening. Whether you’re in a new relationship or have been together for a long time, understanding these common reasons for breakups can help you to build a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.

Lack of communication:

Lack of communication is one of the most common reasons for breakups. When couples don’t talk openly and honestly with each other, it can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and ultimately, the end of the relationship. To avoid this, it’s important to make sure that you are communicating regularly with your partner, and that you are both comfortable expressing your thoughts and feelings. This can be done through regular check-ins, setting aside time for conversations, and actively listening to each other.

Trust issues:

Trust is an essential part of any relationship, and when it is broken, it can be difficult to regain. Trust issues can be caused by infidelity, dishonesty, or simply a lack of trust in the other person. To avoid this, it’s important to be honest and transparent with your partner and to work to build and maintain trust in the relationship. This can be done by being accountable for your actions, being consistent in your behavior, and by being willing to forgive and move forward.

Growing apart:

As time goes on, couples can grow apart, and their interests and goals can change. This can lead to a lack of connection and ultimately, the end of the relationship. To avoid this, it’s important to make an effort to keep your relationship strong and to continue to invest in the relationship. This can be done by setting aside time for each other, trying new things together, and by making an effort to understand and support each other’s goals and interests.

Unrealistic expectations:

Having unrealistic expectations in a relationship can lead to disappointment and frustration. When couples have different expectations for the relationship, it can lead to conflict and ultimately, the end of the relationship. To avoid this, it’s important to have open and honest conversations about your expectations for the relationship, and to work to find common ground.

Lack of intimacy:

A lack of intimacy can be caused by a variety of factors, including a lack of physical or emotional connection. When couples don’t feel close or connected, it can lead to the end of the relationship. To avoid this, it’s important to make an effort to maintain intimacy in the relationship, whether that’s through physical touch, emotional connection, or shared experiences. This can be done by setting aside time for each other, being open and vulnerable with each other, and by making an effort to understand and support each other’s needs.

Financial issues:

Financial issues can cause a lot of stress and tension in a relationship. When couples can’t agree on how to handle money or have different financial goals, it can lead to the end of the relationship. To avoid this, it’s important to have open and honest conversations about money and to work together to create a financial plan that works for both of you. This can be done by setting financial goals, creating a budget, and by being willing to compromise and work together to achieve those goals.


When couples are incompatible, it can be difficult to make the relationship work. Incompatibility can be caused by a variety of factors, including personality, values, and lifestyle. To avoid this, it’s important to be open and honest about your needs and wants in a relationship and to make sure that your partner is compatible with you. This can be done by having open and honest conversations about your values, your lifestyle, and by being willing to compromise and work together to make the relationship work.


Infidelity is one of the most common reasons for breakups. When one partner cheats, it can cause a lot of pain and hurt, and it can be difficult to regain trust and move on. To avoid this, it’s important to be faithful and committed to your partner, and to be open and honest about your feelings and intentions.

Lack of commitment:

A lack of commitment can be caused by a variety of factors, including fear of commitment or a lack of interest in the relationship. When one partner is not fully committed, it can lead to the end of the relationship. To avoid this, it’s important to be fully committed and invested in the relationship, and to be willing to make sacrifices and compromises to make the relationship work.

Lack of effort:

A lack of effort can be caused by a variety of factors, including complacency or a lack of interest in the relationship. When one partner stops putting in effort, it can lead to the end of the relationship. To avoid this, it’s important to make an effort to maintain the relationship and to be willing to put in the work to make the relationship strong.

In conclusion, understanding the most common reasons for breakups can help you to avoid them in the future. It’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, to trust and respect each other, and to work together to build a strong and healthy relationship. By being aware of the common pitfalls in relationships, and taking steps to avoid them, you can improve the chances of building a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

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The 10 Most Inspiring Love Stories and their lessons Sun, 15 Jan 2023 16:37:07 +0000 Love stories have the power to inspire and move us, they have the ability to make us laugh, cry and feel every emotion in between. They remind us of the beauty of love and its impact on our lives. Throughout history, there have been many tales of love that have stood the test of time, from Romeo and Juliet to The Notebook. These stories have captured our hearts and imagination, and have taught us valuable lessons about love, relationships, and life. They have shown us the power of true love, the importance of perseverance and the beauty of true devotion. In this blog post, we will take a look at the top 10 most inspiring love stories and their lessons, discussing the history, significance, and lasting impact of each one. These love stories have left an indelible mark on our culture, and their characters and messages continue to resonate with readers and audiences of all ages. They will remind us of the power of love and the importance of cherishing every moment we have with the ones we love. Whether you’re single, dating, or in a committed relationship, understanding these love stories and their lessons can help to inform and enrich your own relationships.

Romeo and Juliet:

The classic love story of Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play written by Shakespeare in the late 16th century. The story is about the forbidden love between Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet, two rival families in Verona, Italy. The story is a timeless tale of love, sacrifice and the consequences of hate, it serves as a reminder that true love is worth fighting for, even if it means sacrificing everything.

The Notebook:

The Notebook is a novel written by Nicholas Sparks and later adapted into a film. The story follows the love story of Noah and Allie, two young people who fall in love during the summer of 1940. The story explores the power of love, the importance of perseverance, and the beauty of true devotion. The story is a reminder that true love is worth fighting for, and that it can overcome even the most difficult of circumstances.


The story of the ill-fated ship and the love between Jack and Rose is a 1997 film directed by James Cameron. The film is based on the real-life sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912 and tells the story of the love between Jack and Rose, two passengers on the ship. The story is a reminder of the power of love to transcend time and distance, and that it can be fleeting but eternal.

The Fault in Our Stars:

The Fault in Our Stars is a novel written by John Green and later adapted into a film. The story follows the love between Hazel and Gus, two teenagers with cancer who fall in love in a cancer support group. The story explores the beauty and fragility of love and how it can flourish even in the face of adversity. It reminds us that love is not about perfection, but about cherishing every moment we have together.

The Vow:

The Vow is a true story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter, a couple who were involved in a car accident that resulted in Krickitt suffering from retrograde amnesia. The story follows their journey of rebuilding their relationship and their love for each other, despite the challenges they faced. The Vow teaches us about the power of love to overcome even the most difficult of circumstances and reminds us that love is not just a feeling, but a choice to commit to someone every day, through good times and bad.

A Walk to Remember:

A Walk to Remember is a novel written by Nicholas Sparks and later adapted into a film. The story follows the love between Landon, a popular student, and Jamie, a quiet and religious girl, in a small town in North Carolina. The story explores the power of love to change lives and inspire hope, and reminds us that love is not always easy, but that it is always worth it.


Up is a 2009 animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. The story follows the love story of Carl and Ellie, a couple who have been together since childhood and their journey to fulfill their lifelong dream of traveling to South America. The story teaches us about the power of love to sustain us through the ups and downs of life, and reminds us that love is not just about romantic relationships, but also the love between friends and family.

The King and I:

The King and I is a 1951 film directed by Walter Lang. The story is based on the true story of Anna Leonowens and her experiences as the governess of the children of King Mongkut of Siam in the 1860s. The story explores the power of love to bridge cultural and societal differences, and reminds us that love knows no boundaries and that it can bring people together from all walks of life.

Love Story:

Love Story is a 1970 film directed by Arthur Hiller. The story is about the love between Oliver, a wealthy student, and Jenny, a working-class student, at Harvard University. The story teaches us about the power of love to overcome class and societal differences and reminds us that love is not just about finding the right person, but about being the right person for the one you love.

The Notebook:

The Notebook is a novel written by Nicholas Sparks and later adapted into a film. The story follows the love between Noah and Allie, two young people who fall in love during the summer of 1940. The story explores the power of love, the importance of perseverance, and the beauty of true devotion. The story is a reminder that true love is worth fighting for, and that it can overcome even the most difficult of circumstances.

These stories and their characters have a special place in our hearts and have taught us valuable lessons about love, relationships and life. They remind us that love is powerful and can overcome any obstacles, that true love is worth fighting for and that it is never too late to find love and happiness. They have also reminded us that love is not always easy, but it is always worth it, and that love is not just about romantic relationships, but also the love between friends and family.

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The 10 Most Surprising Relationship Statistics and Trends Sun, 15 Jan 2023 16:32:17 +0000 Relationships are an integral part of human existence, and they play a significant role in shaping our lives. Whether it’s the bond between a parent and child, the friendship between two individuals, or the romantic partnership between two people, relationships are a fundamental aspect of our social and emotional well-being. However, the ways in which we form and maintain relationships are constantly evolving, and new trends and statistics are emerging that shed light on how our relationships have changed over time. In this blog post, we will dive into the top 10 most surprising relationship statistics and trends, examining how modern relationships differ from those of the past, and highlighting key findings from recent research. These statistics will give us a glimpse into the ways in which relationships have changed over time and how they are shaping the society we live in today. We will also explore the potential implications of these trends and what they may mean for the future of relationships. Whether you’re single, dating, or in a committed relationship, understanding these trends and statistics can help to inform and enrich your own relationships.

The rise of online dating:

Online dating has become increasingly popular in recent years, with an estimated 40 million Americans using dating apps and websites. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, about one in five adults aged 18 to 24 have used a dating app or website, and this number is expected to continue to rise.

The decline of marriage:

Marriage rates have been declining in recent years, with the number of adults who are married dropping from 72% in 1960 to 50% in 2020. This trend is partly due to the rise in cohabitation and alternative forms of commitment, as well as changes in societal values and economic factors.

The increase in age at first marriage:

The age at which people are getting married is increasing. In the 1950s, the average age for first marriage was in the early 20s for men and late teens for women, but today it’s in the late 20s for men and early to mid-20s for women.

The rise of cohabitation:

Cohabitation, or living together without being married, has become increasingly common in recent years. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of cohabiting couples has increased by more than 75% since 2007.

The decline in sexual activity:

The frequency of sexual activity has been declining in recent years, with the percentage of adults who report having sex at least once a week dropping from 55% in the 1990s to around 25% in the 2010s.

The increase in infidelity:

Infidelity, or being unfaithful in a committed relationship, has become increasingly common in recent years. According to a survey by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 15% of wives and 25% of husbands reported having engaged in extramarital sex.

The rise of “ghosting”:

“Ghosting” is a term used to describe the practice of suddenly ending a relationship without any explanation. It has become increasingly common in the digital age, with many people using dating apps and websites. A survey by the dating app Plenty of Fish found that 78% of singles have been “ghosted” at least once.

The increase in open relationships:

Open relationships, where partners agree to have sexual or romantic relationships outside of the primary partnership, have become more common in recent years. According to a survey by YouGov, about 5% of Americans reported being in an open relationship.

The decline in domestic violence:

Domestic violence, or physical, emotional, or sexual abuse within a relationship, has been declining in recent years. According to a survey by the National Domestic Violence Hotline, the number of calls to the hotline has decreased by more than 20% since 2007.

The increase in long-distance relationships:

Long-distance relationships, where partners are separated by a significant distance, have become increasingly common in recent years. According to a survey by the Center for the Study of Long Distance Relationships, about 3.75 million married couples in the U.S. are in a long-distance relationship.

In conclusion, relationships are constantly evolving and changing. These statistics and trends show that the way we form and maintain relationships is different from the past. It’s important to note that these trends are not necessarily good or bad, they just reflect the changes that are happening in society. It’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s relationship experiences are different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to relationships. It’s important to understand and respect the diversity of relationship experiences and to strive for healthy and fulfilling connections with others.

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The sign’s of a toxic relationship Wed, 11 Jan 2023 16:26:39 +0000 The more emotionally invested you are in your relationship, the higher the potential for trauma. No two people are the same, and relationships evolve over time. When you’re in an emotionally draining relationship, it’s easy to wonder if there is any way out. If you’re being bombarded with messages of love and adoration all day long, it can feel like there’s no end to how much support you can get. The solution seems to be simple: quit! An unhealthy relationship isn’t one that can be cured using pharmaceuticals or psychological tricks; it’s a fact that some relationships can only become healthier over time. The signs of a toxic relationship are just some of the red flags that should let you know if your partner is comfortable with their actions or not.

They constantly tell you that they love you.

This means that they’re in love with you, but also that they don’t love themselves. They may say this to keep you from getting in touch with your authentic Self. To avoid feeling like a fraud, it’s important to realize that people in love don’t have to feel or look like they’re claiming to be a better version of themselves. If you’re constantly being bombarded with messages of love and adoration, it can feel like there’s no end to how much support you can get. The solution is simple: quit! An unhealthy relationship isn’t one that can be cured using pharmaceuticals or psychological tricks; it’s a fact that some relationships can become healthier over time.

They’re obsessed with your body.

Obesity and metabolic diseases are closely related, and one of the most significant causes of both is over indulging your needs. If you’re constantly being bombarded with messages of love and adoration, it can feel like there’s no end to how much support you can get. The solution is simple: quit! An unhealthy relationship isn’t one that can be cured using pharmaceuticals or psychological tricks; it’s a fact that some relationships can become healthier over time.

They make emotional and physical attacks on your free time.

The more invested you are in your relationship, the higher the potential for trauma. No two people are the same, and relationships evolve over time. When you’re in an emotionally draining relationship, it’s easy to wonder if there is any way out. If you’re constantly being bombarded with messages of love and adoration, it can feel like there’s no end to how much support you can get. The solution is simple: quit! An unhealthy relationship isn’t one that can be cured using pharmaceuticals or psychological tricks; it’s a fact that some relationships can become healthier over time.

The relationship is secretive and withdrawn.

The more withdrawn you are from social interactions, the more likely you are to experience Developmental Disruptive Disorder (DDD). This condition is characterized by mood fluctuations and inattention, as well as anxiety. When you’re in a relationship that’s secret or withdrawn, it can feel like there’s no way out. It doesn’t matter how good the relationship is—if you’re not taking any steps to show up for your partner, they may not show up for you. The solution is simple: take some steps! Your partner may not know that you exist; they may not be able to tell by themselves. If you need support in any form, you can always call a professional.

The relationship is Contingent and Burdensome.

The more dependent you are on the partner, the more likely it is that the relationship will be volatile. This is a very real danger sign. If your partner is always doing something that needs to be done, or if things are going through some major change, it can feel like there’s nowhere to go but back. The solution is simple: take some steps! Your partner may not know that you exist; they may not be able to tell by themselves. If you need support in any form, you can always call a professional.

The Partner Doesn’t Take Care of Other People’s Bodies.

The more dependent you are on the partner, the more likely it is that the relationship will be volatile. This is a very real danger sign. If your partner is always doing something that needs to be done, or if things are going through some major change, it can feel like there’s nowhere to go but back. The solution is simple: take some steps! Your partner may not know that you exist; they may not be able to tell by themselves. If you need support in any form, you can always call a professional.

The Relationship is Contingent and Burdensome.

The more dependent you are on the partner, the more likely it is that the relationship will be volatile. This is a very real danger sign. If you’re always doing something that needs to be done, or if things are going through some major change, it can feel like there’s nowhere to go but back. The solution is simple: take some steps! Your partner may not know that you exist; they may not be able to tell by themselves. If you need support in any form, you can always call a professional.

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The Loop Way: How To Increase Your Relationship’s Communication By 7 Ways Wed, 11 Jan 2023 16:22:34 +0000 If you are like many Americans, you’ve probably run into a need to communicate with others more effectively. For example, if you’re stuck at home, trying to make sense of the endless volume of communication options available online or through phone and text chat, you might start to wonder how you can increase your relationship’s communication beyond what current methods offer. Sending several messages at once may seem like magic for a digital native such as yourself but it can also feel like a security risk for other people who hear your voice — especially when they don’t understand what message is coming from your phone or your text chat account. If you aren’t clear on where to start, keep reading the article to discover seven great ways that technology can increase your relationship’s communication.

Use Video Chat

Use video chat to increase your relationship’s communication. If you have an excess amount of communication with other people in your life, you may find that you can use video chat to smooth out the communications and make them more efficient. While it’s easy to set up home video chat systems that permit you to send and receive messages from and to a single computer, server-side programs are also available that allow you to create and maintain video calls with up to six people. Having more people in your life can help you stay calm and focused when you’re in a rush or in a stressful situation. It also makes it easier for you to offer helpful suggestions and advice when someone else is in need of them.

Use Texting

During the day, most of us have an abundance of communication skills. We can text, email and make phone calls without worrying about the time or distance between us. But when we’re together, it can be hard to stay on message. Texting can also be a great way to keep track of activities, tasks and feelings between people. It can also be a great way to stay in touch with people you haven’t spoken with in a while.

Have A Record Of What Supports Communication Are Up-To And What Is Required

If you are trying to increase the amount of communication your relationship has, it might be wise to start with a record of what supports communication is up-to and what is not. This may seem obvious but many people don’t keep a journal or write down all the important messages they receive. If you keep a journal or write down what everyone in your life is saying to you, you can make notes on what not to say and what to talk about. This can help you stay clear of misunderstandings and give you better chances of making important Connections later in life.

Exchange Email With Your Partner

It may sound like a girl thing but emailing and messaging your partner is one of the best ways you can keep in touch with them while increasing your relationship’s communication. Just remember that you need to use different modes of communication with your partner so they can both keep up with you. For example, you may want to send emails at the same time as you communicate with them via phone or text. Or, you may want to use email as a way to communicate with one another when you are both at work and away from home.

Get To Know Your Audience

One of the easiest ways to keep track of what your audience is thinking and saying is by looking at your conversation conversation drafts. You can use the Conversations tab on the My Account page to view all the conversations you’ve shared with other people. If you haven’t been on the receiving end of a lot of conversation in the past few months, it can feel as though everyone has been sending you messages every single day. Luckily, you don’t need to Google or search for the conversation – all you need to do is open the conversation in the Conversations tab and look for the “Not in touch” or “Not in my friend” messages. This way, you will know that someone else is in the conversation while you are in the middle of a busy day.

Promote Good Behavior With Explainations

Pushing yourself to be more consistent in your explainations can also help you keep track of what your audience is thinking and feeling. If you have a habit of talking too much or saying things that you don’t mean, it can feel like an irritant to those around you. It can also be tempting to start randomly saying something out of context to avoid sounding crazy. But this can be a sure-fire way to break the ice and get your audience’s attention. If you want to increase the amount of communication your relationship has, you need to promote good behavior. It doesn’t matter if you are single or in a relationship – as long as you are talking to someone every day and showing up for work or home with a smile on your face, your audience will see you as an extension of their own.

Show Emoji On Your Phone Or Tablet

If you’ve been online a while and haven’t taken the time to learn how to use emojis, you are in need of a refresher. We’ve all seen those photos where someone has used the emojis associated with their favorite celebrities or products, right? You can too, if you are willing to learn more about their personality and wants before you create whatever emojis you want.


If you want to keep to your word and increase the amount of communication your relationship has, it might be wise to start with a record of what supports communication is up-to and what is not. This can help you stay clear of misunderstandings and give you better chances of making important Connections later in life. If you haven’t been on the receiving end of a lot of conversation in the past few months, it can feel as though everyone has been sending you messages every single day. This can make it difficult to keep track of what everyone is saying to you and make important Connections later in life. Here are seven great ways that technology can increase your relationship’s communication. You may also like: How To Increase Your In-Laws Communication By Up To 10 Times With NARAL’s New Technology-Based Communication Campaign And finally, don’t forget to sign up for NARAL’s new communication campaign – Be Connected. It’s that easy. In the end, technology can make life easier for both of you by making it easier to stay in touch with everyone you love. With the right changes, you can increase the amount of communication you have while being more thoughtful about your comments and replies.

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The Biggest Mistakes Couples Make In A Relationship Wed, 11 Jan 2023 16:20:44 +0000 You and your partner need to figure out if you’re a good fit — or if you’re even compatible — in order to have a happy marriage. The word “compatible” brings to mind images of cozy family outings, slow-moving traffic, and harmonious relationships. But can love really be that simple? Do all romantic partnerships fail because they are not right for each other? Or is there another factor at work that makes some couples ineffective at maintaining their relationship? SOCIAL MEDIA REVIEW & FEATURED CHALLENGE: How do you make the perfect first date? Why do people go on dates with perfectly behaved children as long as they don’t know what type of person is going to go? And how can you help your friends and family get on the same page so they too will be successful in their relationship struggles? If you have any questions about how to make the right first date or how to break up bad habits, we have answers. Here are mistakes couples make that could cause lasting damage.

The Age-Old Mistake of Confusion and Disagreement

Couples make a lot of mistakes, and many of them are due to confusing factors. When you’re in the midst of a relationship and unsure if you’re a good fit, you’re often in a state of confusion. You might not even know which buttons to push and how to say ‘yes’ to those Making a mistake is any worse than deciding you want to go running or playing an instrument, or taking a long walk up the stairs every day. Your partner might just assume you don’t like to be pushed or wants to have control.

The Wrong Focus

Many of us have a hard time focusing on what’s happening right now, instead we focus on what could be happening tomorrow. This might sound like a bad thing, but it’s actually what creates the biggest rifts in the relationship — and it’s what’s causing many couples to break up. If you’re constantly distracted, you’re not in the right state of mind to create a lasting relationship. You need to spend as much time as possible on what’s in front of you. So, spend less time thinking about what’s going on in the world, and more time focusing on what’s happening with your partner. This way, you won’t be so consumed by your own problems that you miss the important things happening in the other person’s life — like the day you want to go for your first date.

The Wedding Invitation Problem

First dates are definitely the perfect time to get to know your partner — and the perfect time to start a relationship. You and your partner may both have been dating since you were in your 20s, and have established an excellent reputation for yourselves. But you might not have spent that time making plans for the future. What if your partner is interested in someone else and doesn’t know where to begin? Or you might have just been waiting for the right time to say ‘yes’ to your partner. The wedding invitation problem isn’t new — in fact, it’s very much a part of dating. If you’re getting married and haven’t thought about finding a date or a groomsman, or even started going out on dates, you’re in for a long wait. People get married all the time, and you might not even know it. It might be because you’re too busy worrying about what other people are going to think or you’re too busy having fun. If you want to get to know your partner, find someone you’re interested in, have a date, eat dinner with, and enjoy youreddate, then put your wedding invitation problem aside.

The Self-Care Checklist

Like any relationship, when you’re falling in love, you need to take care of your body. The same is true when you’re in a committed relationship. Ideally, you’re taking care of yourself by worrying less and having fun more. But many of us aren’t good enough to do either. Luckily, self-care is easy and inexpensive, and can help you stay on top of all your needs while maintaining your relationship. Start by taking a daily walk, stretching your body and spending some time in the digital field, whatever you use to stay in touch with your emotions. If you’re not in the mood to socialize or spend a lot of time with your partner, you can always check out therapy or counseling.

Too Much Emotional Support

Empathy is a wonderful thing — it allows us to understand another person’s point of view and feelings, even if we don’t shares their Same is true in relationships, too. You and your partner might both have a lot in common, but if you don’t put the same amount of energy into both of you, you could end up with a lot of mutual resentment. It’s easy to feel resentment when you don’t get enough time to yourself; it’s easy to feel abandoned when your partner isn’t there for you. By putting your energy into your partner instead of into yourself, you’re missing out on the amazing mental support he or she can provide.

Dating Culture Incorporation (DCI)

People are more attracted to warmth and companionship than to commitment. If you want to spend the rest of your life with someone who will make you feel welcome and taken care of, you’re better off without a relationship. If you want to spend the rest of your life with someone who gives you time and attention when you need it, you’re better off with a committed relationship. But what’s worse is when you choose to break up with your partner just because you’re not in love anymore. A successful relationship doesn’t just happen because one person signs on the dotted line. It takes a lot of hard work, commitment, and often lots of tears. If you want to continue to have a happy life with your partner, you need to make time for yourself and build commitments based on how you see yourself. You also need to make time for your emotions — because how you respond to your partner can determine how long a relationship lasts.

They’re Not In tune With Each Other

When you have a great time in a relationship, you’re likely going to be able to talk to your partner about anything. But when you have a lot of problems to solve, you’re likely going to be pretty difficult to get through to. If you’re constantly fighting off bad habits or causing disruptions in your partner’s life, you’re more likely to remain a single man than a committed couple. But sometimes you have to put your relationships on the right track by yourselves.

Over emphasis on the physical in a relationship

People don’t size up differences in physical appearance. People do that all the time, and you might as well try to ignore it. You probably won’t go from a size 16 to a size 12 in a year, but you’re likely to be able to grow at a healthy rate thanks to your increased muscle mass and toned body. Couples, on the other hand, need to do this thing (and do it often) that makes both of you happy — like working out. Your partner needs to spend as much time as possible lifting and lifting Surrey weights so he or she can look great in tuxedos and heels, while you need to spend as much time as possible on your emotions, on your relationships, and on making time for yourself. Improving your physical appearance is one of the best things you can do for your relationship.

The ‘Right’ Time To Commit

You have the right time to commit to your partner. The right time is when you can say ‘yes’ to your partner and say ‘yes again’ when the time comes. You don’t have to wait until the very end of the relationship to say ‘yes’ to your partner and say ‘yes again’ when the time comes. It’s okay to say ‘yes’ now, because you don’t have to wait for the ‘right time’ to say ‘yes

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How to Keep Your Long-Distance relationships successful! Wed, 11 Jan 2023 16:18:34 +0000 Long-distance relationships are difficult. Especially in the current moment, when we are trying to make up our minds about what relationship to build and how big a part of our lives it will be. Many people will leave long-distance relationships feeling like they’ve just hit a wall. There is no getting around the fact that it isn’t easy being number one on everyone else’s list. But you know what? That doesn’t mean you can give up on long-distance relationships entirely! Depending on your circumstances, there are many ways to keep your long distance relationships successful and build lasting connections with your long-distance partner or spouse. Keep reading for detailed information, tips, and strategies on how to keep your long distance relationships from failing…

Plan Your Very Long-Distance Relationship Course

One of the things you need to keep in mind when you are first starting a long-distance relationship is that you will never be successful if you are being realistic with yourself. You will always make mistakes. Whether you’re in your 30s or your 50s, no one ever really is. It’s just that when you are in your 30s, you notice a lot of mistakes and you try to fix them as soon as you can. But when you are in your 50s, you start to notice that your spouse isn’t doing anything wrong. And then you get even more frustrated because you know it isn’t working the way you want it to. So you take it up a notch and start feeling low. And you will feel high days when you are in love with the person you love. And low days when you are not in love with the person you love. And high days when you are reading a novel.

Set Up a Private Life

Before you get started trying to keep your long-distance relationship from frittering away your time, you should research how you would like to structure your private life. This will make your relationship with your long-distance partner more comfortable and keep them interested in you. As your relationship develops, you will likely want to keep your relationship with your long-distance partner a bit private. (You should be clear on this when you are just starting the relationship.) This can make life easier for both of you because you won’t have to worry about living in the dark about one another’s private lives or the safety of your spouse. Plus, it will make your relationship seem more genuine and meaningful because you will know your relationship partner loves you the same way you love them.

Use Feeling Low Days to Feel High Days

When you are in love, you are naturally attracted to the feelings of love. And when you are in love with your long-distance partner, you are naturally attracted to the feelings of love from the other person. And when you are in love with the other person, you are naturally attracted to the feelings of hate for the person you love. You should try to hold on to these feelings as best you can because they will get easier to push aside as your relationship grows. But when you are in love with the other person, you should also try to push those feelings down so that they don’t get too wild and crazy. You should also try to keep your emotions in check so that you don’t over think it or lose my control. And when you are in love with the other person, you should try to maintain a reasonable balance between your relationship needs and their needs. This means that when you are in love with the other person, you should try to keep them from becoming over consuming or exhausting you. And you should try to keep your needs for normalcy in your life at bay so that you are less likely to become over committed or overwhelmed by your partner.

Take Some Self-Care

The best thing you can do for your relationship with your long-distance partner is to take care of your self. When you are in love, it is natural for both of you to feel a sense of obligation towards the person you love. This is normal and understandable. And when you are in love, you should try to take care of your self in a big way. You should try to take care of your mental health. You should try to take care of your physical health. You should try to take care of your emotional health. You should try to take care of your relationship health. You should take care of your lifestyle and take good care of your body. And you should also be prepared to take some special risks because being in love is not normal.

Find the Right Person for You

One of the best things you can do for your long-distance relationship is to find the right person for you. This is the most important challenge you will face as the relationship develops. You will want your partner to love you so much that they will do anything for you. And they will do this because they love you the same way you love them. So when you are in love, you should try to find someone who you can love and respect. Someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to make your relationship succeed. And someone who you can trust and rely on for support. Because when you are in love, you will do anything for your partner because they love you so much. And when your partner loves you, you will do whatever it takes to make them happy.


This article has provided a detailed look at the benefits of long distance relationships and how to keep them from turning into a drain on your life. While it might seem like a long way to walk, it is definitely worth the effort. The truth is that long-distance relationships are highly enjoyable and can be a great way to forge important new friendships.

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How to Be Successful in a Strange Relationship Wed, 11 Jan 2023 16:13:43 +0000 When you first meet a new person, you may feel unsure about how to proceed. Maybe you don’t quite know whether to trust this new friend or not. While it’s probably good that you aren’t in a traditional relationship where one partner is supposed to take care of the other, there are certain risks involved when you start dating someone new. This may seem like an odd question, but what if your unexpected love interest in your weird romance is actually astride the fence and fighting for his or her life? It could be difficult to know when to trust – especially if he or she seems so…unhappy. Working with your first potential ex-partner may seem like a strange idea at first glance, but think of it this way: What would it take for you to trust someone again? If you’re reading this, probably some time on your terms and in person rather than on some online bond site or app. That being said, being able to trust someone again isn’t as easy as we think it is! To be successful in a strange relationship, you need more than platonic feelings and good chemistry; you also need smarts and courage. If you’re ready to learn how to be successful with astride the fence (or maybe even without), keep reading for helpful advice and tips on how to proceed.

Be an active listener

When you first meet a new person, you may feel unsure about how to proceed. Maybe you don’t quite know whether to trust this new friend or not. While it’s probably good that you aren’t in a traditional relationship where one partner is supposed to take care of the other, there are certain risks involved when you start dating someone new. This may seem like an odd question, but what if your unexpected love interest in your weird romance is actually astride the fence and fighting for the life? It could be difficult to know when to trust – especially if he or she seems so…unhappy. Working with your first potential ex-partner may seem like a strange idea at first glance, but think of it this way: What would it take for you to trust someone again? If you’re reading this, probably some time on your terms and in person rather than on some online bond site or app. That being said, being able to trust someone again isn’t as easy as we think it is! To be successful in a strange relationship, you need more than platonic feelings and good chemistry; you also need smarts and courage. If you’re ready to learn how to be successful with astride the fence (or maybe even without), keep reading for helpful advice and tips on how to proceed.

Show him or her how you feel

Asking out-the-way questions like “do you have any plans to get married?” or “do you have any kids?” can be really helpful, but they don’t do anything to help you get to the bottom of who you are as a person. Doing so, of course, would be an even greater mistake, but you can’t promise to know. When you start to accept who you are and where you’ve come from, it’s easier to show the world how much you mean it. You can also encourage your partner to reflect back some of those feelings by asking him or her what they’d like to see happen in their relationship. Whether you want to be a part of a new business or seek a new career, it’s important to show your partner that you want them to succeed. There’s nothing more damaging to a relationship than a couple who can’t see eye to eye on anything.

Be empathetic

Asking your partner how you feel is one of the surest ways to make a bad relationship turn into a great one. If you have a partner who can’t be there for you when you’re down or in a bad mood, it can feel like you’re keeping secrets from both of you. Take the time to be empathetic towards your partner and see where it takes you. If you’re dealing with a significant other who is unavailable or otherwise off-kilter, it can feel like a third wheel behind the wheel. Asking out-the-way questions like “do you have any plans to get married?” or “do you have any kids?” can be really helpful, but they don’t do anything to help you get to the bottom of who you are as a person. Doing so, of course, would be an even greater mistake, but you can’t promise to know. When you start to accept who you are and where you’ve come from, it’s easier to show the world how much you mean it. You can also encourage your partner to reflect back some of those feelings by asking him or her what they’d like to see happen in their relationship. Whether you want to be a part of a new business or seek a new career, it’s important to show your partner that you want them to succeed. There’s nothing more damaging to a relationship than a couple who can’t see eye to eye on anything.

Be empathetic

Asking your partner how you feel is one of the surest ways to make a bad relationship turn into a great one. If you have a partner who can’t be there for you when you’re down or in a bad mood, it can feel like you’re keeping secrets from both of you. Taking the time to be empathetic towards your partner and seeing what happens when you do is a great way to start healing. If you’re dealing with a significant other who is unavailable or otherwise off-kilter, it can feel like a third wheel behind the wheel. Asking out-the-way questions like “do you have any plans to get married?” or “do you have any kids?” can be really helpful, but they don’t do anything to help you get to the bottom of who you are as a person. Doing so, of course, would be an even greater mistake, but you can’t promise to know. When you start to accept who you are and where you’ve come from, it’s easier to show the world how much you mean it. You can also encourage your partner to reflect back some of those feelings by asking him or her what they’d like to see happen in their relationship. Whether you want to be a part of a new business or seek a new career, it’s important to show your partner that you want them to succeed. There’s nothing more damaging to a relationship than a couple who can’t see eye to eye on anything.

Be empathetic but nonjudgmental

Asking your partner how you feel isn’t always going to get you what you want. It may be that your partner isn’t in the mood to be appreciated or is just not sure how to respond to your ways. To be successful in a strange relationship, you need more than platonic feelings and good chemistry; you also need smarts and courage. If you’re ready to learn how to be successful with astride the fence (or maybe even without), keep reading for helpful advice and tips on how to proceed.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” “Why don’t you just tell him or her yourself?” “You don’t know what it takes to be successful in a strange relationship, do you?” “What are you waiting for?” “Just say it!” “I know you want to be successful, so don’t hold back!” “I know you want to be successful, so don’t hold back!” “Don’t be afraid to ask!” “Don’t be afraid to be yourself!”

Trust your gut

The word “stride” means to leap or run with a sense of confidence. It can also be used as adescriptive word to describe someone who has a bit of an edge or advantage over the rest of the group. In a strange relationship, you may be the one who needs to take the leap of faith and start new. You may not know what it takes to be successful in astride the fence, but being able to trust your gut and make an informed decision about what you want out of life is what

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