The world is a scary place. We have all been afraid of something or someone at one time or another, and we all know it’s not going to get better anytime soon. But what if you were right? What if there actually is a dark and sinister side to the world that very few people are aware of? What if your worst fears are actually the product of a powerful and subtle mind-control program designed to bring about your darkest, most unproductive thoughts and ideas? You see…wouldn’t it be great if there was some truth to these scary things, even though they’re usually just pure myth and fiction? Would that mean we couldn’t easily fall victim to our inner worst-kept secret (aka: depression)? Well, you would be correct. For those who dare open their hearts and minds about these hidden things, there are some very weird things that’ll leave you feeling like an idiot for not having anticipated them sooner. So here’s things that really need to be asked, investigated, and/or disproved:
World War II Hand Grenade

If you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of years, you might’ve gotten a head start on this list with the Hand Grenade. This incredible and ingenious device was created by the Germans during World War II to facilitate the gas attack on London and the burning of London’s rooftops. Once the bombs started going off, the Hand Grenade was used to trigger the Londoners’ natural and manufactured gas symptoms. Not only was this an excellent means of making a massiveamount of gasses smell and smoke, but it also activated the city’s natural gas lighting, allowing the Londoners to see with no darkness at all in the dark. The Hand Grenade was a highly effective weapon, but it was quickly out of popularity after being used during World War II.
A Gun Wrapped in Bubble Wrap
In the year 2016, a man named Harry Tinsley was shot and killed by a client who had rented a home in Los Angeles’s Central Park. The man who shot him was out for some strange, sweet nothings when he shot and killed Harry. Before he was shot, the man had transformed the gun Harry was holding into a Golden Gun. This wasn’t a normal gun, though; it was an incredibly advanced military-grade version of the tactical Light91 pistol, with a 30-round magazine and a rotating barrel. The trigger was located on the front of the gun, and the gun’s barrel was completely concealed by a silky, bread-like bread-crumb that stuck up above his head. It was a truly terrifying sight, and one that, luckily, the world has been seeing less of lately.
A Secret Underground Room

Over the years, many have searched the ruins of World War II-era constructions and wartime camps to discover the “Secret Underground Room” in Germany’s Bremen-Lichter Land. The “Room” is a secret city and landscape that lies in wait for tourists and residents around the world. It’s a vast, barren landscape with no human life whatsoever. The inside of the room is pitch-black, with no light whatsoever. This is a truly chilling place, and the tourist industry has been trying to cash in on its horrifying, scary reputation ever since. But what’s even more chilling is that the “Room” is actually a series of caves, or “alcoves,” which are the original, linear, and treacherous pathways that connect this landscape to the rest of the world.
World War II Time Capsule and a Painted Mannequin’s Head
In the year 2020, a group of tourists visiting the United States encountered a truly bizarre sight in the middle of a field in Iowa. As the tourists walked around a field where there were gigantic trees and a pool of water, a man in a mask and wig stepped in front of them and intoned a series of words in a language the tourists had yet to decipher. The words were “We are the living, the building, the coming, the dawn,” and the mannequin head he was wearing was actually trying to communicate with the tourists. You can see the pictures of the mask and wig mannequin in the article on this article’s entry.
Skeletal Human Remains

In the year 2021, a team of researchers went to Germany to investigate what they believed to be the remains of a human leg. The remains they were examining were actually the remains of four individuals, including one woman and three children. The researchers believed that these individuals had been murdered and eaten by a species of giant anteater-like animals. Since the bodies were so large and heavy, they believed these creatures to be the source of the remains’ weight. The researchers were correct; the remains were actually a collection of four individuals, each with their own set of bones and skulls.
An Old Treasure Box Full of Coins
In the year 2021, a group of tourists traveling through Alaska were captured by a group of Native American villagers who were extremely lucky to be in their presence. As the group was about to leave the village, a group of very large, very old and very old Indian people stopped the tourists and taught them a very important and rare Native American language. It’s a language the tourists didn’t speak, and it had been over two thousand years since the last speaker of this language died. The villagers also told the tourists that they should study this language as they lived with an expert in the language, who was a well-known philosopher and author. The old language was very useful to the tourists, and they used it during their visit to the Arctic.
Treasures Enclosed in a Rock

In the year 2021, two explorers from Iceland encountered a group of people who lived in a harsh climate and who were also known as the “Icelanders.” The “Icelanders” were actually a sub-species of the homo sapiens loris, and they were actually living in the rocks of Iceland right then and there. The “Icelanders” were the most technologically advanced people on the planet, and they were exploring the unknown. The “Icelanders” were also the most dangerous. They lived in tremendous numbers, and they were a very large, ferocious species. The “Icelanders” were a race of immense size, with enormous muscles and strong, mobile muscles, as well as a very difficult-to-treat immune system. There was one “Icelander” live-action movie, but there was also a wonderful novel based on the “Icelanders” that the “Icelanders” kept as a living, breathing Kenmore.
Skeletal Human Remains
In the year 2022, two explorers from Iceland discovered the skeletal remains of a human male and a female, which were actually the remains of two other individuals. The “Skeletal Human Remains” were the remains of two men, who were both about 50 years old at the time of their death. They were both short, medium-sized, and stocky, with short-cropped, coarse hair and full, broad, bushy eyebrows. The “Skeletal Human Remains” were an extremely rare type of human remains that are estimated to be between 5 and 10 times more unique than other “Homo sapiens” remains.
An Old Treasure Box Full of Coins

In the year 2020, a group of vacationers from New York visited a place called “Anchorage” in Alaska. As the tourists were walking around the city, a man with a sign reading “Treasure of theave” was standing in front of them. The sign read “We are the living, the coming, the dawn” and the “Treasure of theave” was actually a huge, massive oil drum from the past. The “Treasure of theave” was actually a very valuable and rare type of rare metal, a rare piece of early gold, which was automatically worth more in the market than it was worth at the time. The “Treasure of theave” was also an extremely rare type of fossil and a prime example of how pieces of natural history can be used to help archaeologists discover new and interesting fossils.