What do you know about your home country that no one else knows? How do you know when gold is actual gold and silver is foolproof? If you’re like many Americans, there’s probably at least one hidden cultural heritage you don’t know about. But those feelings of mystery aren’t really a surprise, are they? From being the world’s most populous nation with more than 9 billion people to being a land of unique customs and traditions, there’s plenty to learn about your home nation. And our list of the most surprising cultural customs and traditions could change your understanding of what it means to be an American. From Native American costumes to classic rock and roll, this is a complete guide to the 10 most fascinating things about America.
American Indians and Alaska Natives Are More Than Olives and Plantains
During the late 20th century, many American Indians migrated to the northern part of the country. This was after their land was forcefully taken by the United States government in the cod War of 1944-1949. West Coast Indians like the Salish, Shoshone, and Aftonites migrated to the Arctic Circle and the shoreline areas of North America. Eastern Bandits like the Rainy River, Pawnee, and Aetna also created a large portion of the new landmass. The vast majority of these Native Americans are now confined to reservations and living reservations under U.S. federal law. While many remain incredibly proud of their heritage, others may feel nostalgic about the way things were. Few, if any, of them are willing to talk about their culture or traditions. The truth is, while olives and plantains are highly collectible and are readily available in markets all over the world, there’s really no cultural identity to be found in Alaska or the American West. The two most vibrant cultures in the country are the West Coast and the American Southwest—cultures that are very similar in many ways, but that have very different approaches to building a life together.
Bikram Chanting Is the National Anthem of India
The annual bikram event in India is mostly known for an Indian star Signo who gives a standing ovation for the national anthem before heading into the bikram. The event is held in Patan and is famously celebrated with lot of passion and versinitism. While there are many variations on the bikram, the most popular version is a nationwide event that is celebrated on many different levels. Bikram refers to Monthly Energy Summation, which is the method by which yogis in India deal with their energy field balance. Bikram is also the national sport of India and has been for many years.
African Americans Have a Long and Mysterious Relationship with America
When you think of black Americans, you probably don’t think about how much they love their country and everything it stands for. That is, of course, if you were paying attention back in 2015. In that year, there was a great deal of agitation and publicity surrounding the protests and acquittals of “black men” who were being framed and who, as it turned out, were not the criminals they were accused of being. The indictments were based on the confession of an African American man who said he was framed by members of the Ku Klux Klan, who were accused of racial profiling. The most enduring and impactful of these events was the acquittal of Alton Sterling in September 2016.
Americans Can’t Get Enough of Being Like Themselves

We love to think that we are unique and special, but the truth is that we are actually pretty average when it comes to the culture and traditions of our homelands. That is, until you get to know us better. Then you start to form an opinions about our country and its people, and soon enough you feel as though you have some knowledge that others do not. As time passes, and you start to meet other Americans, you begin to form stronger bonds with them. You start to feel like you know them, and that they know them, too.
The Real Meaning of “Oats” in the U.S.
Oats are whole grains in the traditional American diet. They are part of a whole grain diet that is recommended by nutritionists as the single most important component of a healthy diet. Oats are found in almost all natural foods, including whole grains and bidentally. But when it comes to the meaning of “oat”, most people think of it in terms of body weight. But oats also have a complicated history and culture, and are actually not quite known by that name.
What Makes a Good Yoghurt?

When it comes to popular culture and food, there is something about yoghurt. The simple and easy-to-make beverage is a perfect partner for many meals, and is a real source of fiber. There are many different types of yoghurt available, but the type that comes in a bottle is probably the most popular. It is also the kind of yoghurt you can make at home for more versatile appetites.
Country Music is Back after 15 Years
In the late ’80s and early ’90s, many Americans became interested in country music after hearing the hit album Tammy Wynette. It was during this time that country music became a phenomenon and it is one of the most remembered forms of American music. While there were many variations on the country theme, the most lasting one was the album American Land. This album was a collaboration between American Idol winner Randy Travis and country star Tim McGraw, and tells the story of the carriage ride that sparked the American Land movement.
The Most Important Thing Is… “We Know What to Expect”

This is one of the most enduring and popular cultural phrases in the world. It is often used as a reassurance that your home country is doing well, but never forget that the prospects for your own country are very different from those you are sharing. Be wise and encourage each other as you travel the world, and you will be well on your way to becoming an American.
From Native Americans to Cajuns to Mexicans: There’s a New Universe of Difference Between the North and South
When it comes to being American and having a cultural identity, it is important to remember the differences between the North and South. Native Americans live in the North and Alaska Natives live in the South, and that means that when you are in the North, you are almost certainly going to be called an Indian, and when you are in the South, you are almost certainly going to be addressed as black or Mexican. And there is probably no greater cultural difference between the two regions than the fact that Native Americans roost on the highest peaks of the great northern range.
That is all for the 10 most interesting things about America. Now it is time to put your knowledge to the test and try out for yourself what it is that makes America great. The search will be long and arduous, but there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenge. It is important to remember that while culture and identity are two individual things, they are also related. As with anything in life, you have to put your best foot in and make the most of what you have. Your country is yours, and nothing can take that away from you.