In this article, we will explore the development of worldview in atheist and secularist thinkers. The worldview that is developed over time is called a Theolatry and it can be defined as an ethos, a way of life or a religion. Even though there are many different definitions of Theolatry, the term has become part of our everyday vocabulary and makes use of it to explain how we live our lives. If you ask someone what their main source of guidance is, they most likely will answer with a definition thatadheres to the letter of Theolatry. Theology is a study that focuses on God, His nature, His purpose in living and how we can live more godly lives. If you look deeper into the word theology you will find that this umbrella term also covers several other disciplines which include: ecclesiastical studies (scriptural studies), ecclesiology (theological inquiries into the spiritual nature of mankind) and ethnopolitics (ethnographic studies about the ways in which people live their daily lives).
What is Theology?

Theology is the study of the nature of God and His creation. In its broadest sense, the word means any study of reality other than physical reality. It can be applied to both theodicists and materialist Doxists as well. A Theology is a way of life, a way of becoming more godly, or a religion. Today, there are many different kinds of Theology, each with its own set of criteria and methods of investigation.
definition of theology
Theology is the study of the nature of God and His creation. In its broadest sense, the word means any study of reality other than physical reality. It can be applied to both theodicists and materialist Doxists as well. A Theology is a way of living, a way of becoming more godly, or a religion. Today, there are many different kinds of Theology, each with its own set of criteria and methods of investigation.
The development of worldview in the early Church

The foundation of Church theology can be found in the writings of Early Christianity. It was the writings of Church Fathers, who lived in the first century AD, that laid the groundwork for the development of a monotheistic view of the universe. The doctrines of creation, the nature of God, and the origins of man were explored in works including the works of St. Augustine, St. Paul, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Pseudo-D Dates.
Theolatry and the development of worldview – A case study
In this article, we will explore the development of worldview in atheist and secularist thinkers. The worldview that is developed over time is called a Theolatry and it can be defined as a way of life, a religion or a philosophy. Even though there are many different definitions of Theolatry, the term has become part of our everyday vocabulary and makes use of it to explain how we live our lives. If you ask someone what their main source of guidance is, they most likely will answer with a definition that adheres to the letter of Theolatry. Theology is a study that focuses on God, His nature, His purpose in living and how we can live more godly lives. If you look deeper into the wordology you will find that this umbrella term also covers several other disciplines which include: ecclesiastical studies (scriptural studies), ecclesiology (theological inquiries into the spiritual nature of mankind) and ethnopolitics (ethnographic studies about the ways in which people live their daily lives).

Theianism has long been a relatively new idea among the general public, but it is a very interesting concept. The word refers to a perspective on the world that sees the divine as a physical being. The source of ultimate truth is found in the knowledge that is given, rather than in the claims that are made. The nature of the theism oneendant is different from that of the theism of an agnostic or non-theist friend. The theism of an agnostic or non-theist is based on the possibility of knowledge. The theism of an atheist is based on an assurance about the nonexistence of good and evil. The theism of a friend is based on mutual respect for each other’s points of view. The importance of the development of worldview in the atheistic and non-theistic community cannot be emphasized enough. The development of the worldview is crucial to the growth of all religious movements. The development of the worldview provides a basis for dialogue and relationship between two communities that may otherwise socialize against one another. It is a major factor in creating a healthy and positive environment for youth.